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coexist logo

The wallet for global citizens.

Your ai concierge maximises
your lifestyle, goals & money.

The wallet for

global citizens.

Your ai concierge maximises
your lifestyle, goals & money.

phonecredit card

The Club for
Global Citizens

Why we created
this for you?


In a world where the walls are
getting tighter and tighter for
each new generation, whilst
bureaucrats spend our taxes
unwisely, we wanted to put
young adults in control of
their freedom and futures,
to live their very best life.

The Club for
Global Citizens

Why we created
this for you?

what we stand for

A private ecosystem for nomads,
built hand-in-hand with nomads.
Your toolbox saves you time and
money, doing the dirty work, so
you can live your life to the max!
Your co-pilot helps you to unlock
and build the best version of your
self across both living and working.

How we've made
becoming a nomad
a no brainer?

registration concierge
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Save on income tax,
spend it better.

Become a nomad with the help of our
formula and guidance.
You will spend
the money which we will save better
than any
government. Create the best
version of you, investing in you.

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Live your best life,
it's smooth from here.

Your toolbox gives you every reason to
twist from your current
comfort to
ensure you have more money to build
your goals,
more freedom to evolve
and more scope to live life to the max.

travel concierge
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Roam free,
with home comforts.

Your concierge makes everywhere you
live a home, managing
travel, cover, wifi,
wellness, tips and any help. Your wallet
calendar help you finesse between
new spots without friction.

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Join the club,
unlock insider access.

Members unlock insider treatment and
VIP access in every
exciting new culture
and hotspot you live in, from
to classes, to fitness, to
dining, to entertainment to wellness.